Get Involved!

Dayspring Kid's Ministry
High energy fun and spiritual learning collide in Dayspring Kids Ministry. Classes based on age and development help kids get to know Jesus. Nursery - 5th Grade.
Student Ministries
Meet new friends, hang out, pursue God, and grow. Dayspring Students have a variety of opportunities to gather throughout the week. Click to learn more.

Young Adults
It's a great time, it's a challenging time. Don't walk it alone - join the Dayspring "Emergence" Young Adults group! We meet on Sunday evenings @ Pastor Andy's house. For location and other info, email Pastor Andy.
Women's Ministry
Where Faith & Friendship Connect!
It is our goal to provide women with opportunities to grow in their walk with Jesus and in meaningful relationships with one another. We offer weekly Bible studies (Wednesdays at 7pm and Sundays at 9:30am), monthly fellowship events, and quarterly outreach opportunities. Contact Jessica Townsend with any questions.

Enjoy Life Ministry is for people who are 55+. ELMS enjoy monthly fellowship events and outreach opportunities. Contact Pastor Lia for more information.
Mens Ministry
The Men’s Ministry is filled with men of different ages and from different walks of life but who have the same goal of living out an authentic life as Christ set forth and heading His words to go into all the world and make disciples. We offer a weekly Bible study Sunday mornings at 9:30, monthly outings, and quarterly outreach opportunities.

Worship & Creative Arts
The Worship and Creative Arts teams at Dayspring are filled with people who love to express their faith through music, technology, crafts, and artistic mediums. Participants can select from a variety of groups that all exist for one purpose: Connecting your passions to God's Heart.