Life is richer
when we give it away.
We are grateful for your support of Dayspring Church!
Friends who are invested into the heart of Dayspring give of their time, their talent, and their treasure to support the church's efforts locally and around the world. We are deeply thankful for your life investment, because through you God is doing exciting things in our midst!
Online Giving allows you to make contributions without writing checks or worrying about cash donations. Online Giving is a safe and secure process our electronic giving. Online Giving lets you set up automatic contributions and change the timing or the amount of your gift at any time. You may make pledges and manage your contributions to your pledge amount, and you may also make one-time donations to special causes.
ways you can GIVE:
You can drop off your tax-deductible gift anytime during office hours M-Th 9a-4:00p. To reach the office, enter Door 2 at the main building.
To have a Dayspring staff member contact you to process your gift for you, please email info@dayspringcincy.org.