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Welcome, Friends.

It's not easy looking for a church to call home.  Thank you for considering us.

We wanted to help you get a good idea of what the community at Dayspring is like, so here are a few Frequently Asked Questions.  If you have a question that you don't see answered here, please feel free to email us directly at


Questions for attending a Sunday morning Worship Service:


What should I wear?  We do not have a Sunday morning dress code.  Most people dress business casual.  Jeans are welcome.  


Where should I park?  If you're a first time guest, we have dedicated guest parking located along the front of the building near the main entrance with the awning (Door 1).  It's directly next to the handicapped parking. If you have children, we also offer reserved parking for families with young children along the building near Door 5 (Family & Student Ministry entrance), which is perfect for leading kids straight to nursery and kids church.


What door should I enter?  Door 1 (Main Entrance by the awning) and Door 5 (Family & Student Ministries entrance) are the two best doors to enter for Sunday morning activities.


Is there someone that can help me figure out where to go once I'm inside?  Yes!  Our Welcome Center just inside the Main Lobby at Door 1 is staffed by friendly volunteers who would love to help you!  They can lead you to the Children's Ministry check-in area, to the Nursery, direct you to bathrooms, help you find a classroom, and even guide you to a seat in the Worship Auditorium.  Each Worship Auditorium entry door is also staffed by a greeter who distributes morning programs and can also offer assistance.


Where should I bring my children for nursery or kids church?  The Nursery and Children's Church Check-in station are located just past the Bookstore/Cafe' Lobby.  If you entered through the Door 1, you'd walk down the hallway to your left toward the rear of the building, and the Nursery & Kids Church Check-In station would be at the end, to your left.  If you entered in Door 5, you'd walk straight back and veer to the right, and the Nursery & Kids Church Check-In station would be to your left.


Is it okay for my kids to stay with me during the service?  Absolutely.  


What times are services on Sunday morning?  We offer Sunday School/Bible Study for Kids, Students and Adults from 9:30-10:30 am.  Coffee and treats are available in the Main Lobby (near Door 1) from 10:30-11 am.  The Worship service begins at 11 am.


How long is the service?  The service lasts an hour long, give or take a few minutes.


Can I bring a coffee or other drink into the sanctuary?  Yes.  We also provide coffee cups with lids in the main lobby (where the good stuff is brewed up fresh), if you'd like.


What is the worship service like?  The worship service is considered contemporary in style, though we do appreciate and include hymns and other older worship songs from time to time.  We usually start off the service with a few songs of praise and worship.  These help us direct our thoughts and intentions to God and make us more aware of God's Presence.


After the time of Praise & Worship, we collect an offering, and then the pastor (usually Pastor Andy) will come to the stage to share the message.  At the end of the message, the worship team returns to the stage for a time of reflective prayer.  Designated spaces at the altar are communicated for anyone wishing to receive prayer.  The service usually wraps up with a few announcements and then a blessing as people prepare to leave.  The service lasts an hour long, give or take a few minutes.


Do I need to check-in somewhere as a guest?  You don't have to "check-in", but we really hope you will!  We have a special gift for our first-time guests that we offer at the Welcome Center before and after service.  Simply fill out and hand in the First Time Guest card (usually found in the back of the seat in front of you in the Sanctuary) to the volunteer at the Welcome Center in the Main Lobby, and they'll give you a special gift.   We keep all your personal information private and used only for occasional Dayspring Church communications (which you can opt out of at any time).


What should I do if I would like prayer?  At the end of every worship service, we open the altar space for a time of prayer and reflection.  You can also write down a prayer request on a prayer card (located in the back of the seat in front of you during the service), and turn it in via the offering plate.  Our staff and prayer team review all prayer requests received and pray through the week for those needs mentioned.  


Whatever your preference, it would be an honor to pray with you.


Am I allowed to take communion?  At Dayspring we believe in an Open Table, which means that if you profess a faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior, you are welcome to join in the act of communion.


How can I find out more about Bible Studies that meet, or upcoming gatherings?  The church website's "EVENTS" page is a great place to start.  We also offer a variety of Bible Studies that start and end through the year. 

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