Diverse Learning Environments

We serve infants age 6 weeks though age 17 months. Our infant program is a wonderful foundation for healthy development. We use The Creative Curriculum to prepare individual lesson plans for your child with your input. As you consider infant care it is very important that you find caregivers who are good communicators. Our staff members are highly qualified and available daily to answer your questions, manage your concerns or to be a resource for you with the goals and objectives you have for your child. We have strong relationships with many professional agencies and we often receive affirmation about our infant programming. Infants are screened using the "Ages and Stages" screener and assessed using the "Teaching Strategies Gold" system. We conference with parents to partner with you in accomplishing the goals and objectives you have as well as the child development and milestones that the Early Learning and Development Standards require. "Parent's Choice" brand formula is provided free of charge with your tuition. When your infant is ready to eat solid foods we provide these as well. Our onsite laundry facility minimizes the laundry you do at home and allows us to keep your child and their belongings clean at all times. During your tour we will answer the questions you have about how our program fits the individual needs of your family.

We transition children based on readiness. A child can transition into our toddler program once they are age 18 months. If they are 18 months and showing developmental readiness for this age group, a transition plan will be put into place in conjunction with the family recommendations to support the child through the process. The toddler environments are designed to allow the children to explore and have less restricted space than the infant room. This is a natural progression to development. All lesson plans are created based on the interest of the child and is play-based. As you decide your child is ready to begin the potty training process we will support this process in the classroom. Our toddler teachers are highly qualified and professionals in the field of Early Childhood. You have easy access to your child’s teacher daily through our DOJO app that we invite you to subscribe to once you join the Agape Children’s Center family.

Our preschool program is for children age 3 (and potty trained) through entry into Kindergarten. The Creative Curriculum is our guide in making sure that all lesson plans are based on the interests of the children. If children feel invested in the learning experience, they are eager to learn and engage. Our teachers take the time to truly get to know your child and custom create lesson plans to inspire learning. On your tour you will see how interactive our environment is and just how fun learning can be! We work closely with the local school districts to make sure you child has the exposure they need to the Ohio Early Learning and Development Standards. We have many resources available in our center to get children early intervention if the need arises to work through any challenges they may encounter. Kindergarten readiness has a strong emphasis on social and emotional development and our program is rich in opportunities that support this.