About Us
Your Child Is in Great Hands

At Agape Children's Center “where the heart of the child comes first…" is our philosophy. We use this tag line as a decisive guide to EVERYTHING we do. As our staff makes decisions and plans, we filter them through the lens of how does this feel to a child? How does this look to a child? It is important to us that the heart of the child is nurtured and fostered above all else.
Mission Statement
Psalm 139:14 “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well" (NIV).
We believe that children learn through active play. We know that children are competent and capable learners, developing in predictable sequences.
While learning is a social experience, it occurs in the context of each child’s individual being, created uniquely by God. Collaboration with families builds trust and we commit to always partner with the family to build goals and objectives for their child.
We know play is the work of childhood. Children should be engaged in active participation and authentic learning experiences that are interesting to children. These interests are guided by the goals and objectives of the Ohio Early Learning and Development Standards.
Children grow cognitively not only with hands on experiences but also by interacting adults and more knowledgeable peers (Vygotsky, 1978). Adults should facilitate meaningful conversations, reflections and thinking by children.
Materials should be used in a variety of ways and contexts to expand thinking and promote children’s understanding. We believe children need all types of play experiences available indoors and outdoors.
Authentic observation, assessment, and screenings are the tools I use to measure each child’s growth and development. This also produces data that will be used to guide individual learning.

Creative Curriculum is a comprehensive curriculum and it is structured to the interests of the children. Through the many years that we have provided care, the data gathered has given us proven results : When a "scope and sequence" approach is followed, the end product is a child who is emotionally sound, cognitively prepared and is able to adapt into almost any kindergarten environment. We use individual lesson plans for children age 6 weeks - 3 years and group lesson plans for the children who are 3-10 years.